LXScriptPlayer is an application that allows you to trigger AppleScripts with MIDI or by a change in a DMX level. An LXScriptPlayer document has a list of numbered references to a series of AppleScript files. These "script cues" can be played in sequence or individually. When a cue is triggered, the AppleScript file (refered to by its path) is executed. A variety of sample AppleScripts that tell Quicktime Player to play or Keynote to advance to the next slide are included. These are stored in the /Library/Application Support/lx/scripts/LXScriptPlayer folder. Scripts stored in the same directory with a LXScriptPlayer .lxscript file will be found even if the enclosing folder is moved. LXScriptPlayer responds to MIDI Show Control messages targeted to its device number. The only currently recognized Midi Show Control command is "Go". This command can execute the next cue in the sequence. Or, if a cue number is specified, it executes that cue. LXScriptPlayer can also listen for individual MIDI Note On messages. How LXScriptPlayer responds to these messages is setup in the MIDI tab of the drawer attached to the main window. The MIDI table contains a list of MIDI notes and their associated actions. The possible actions are "Go" which plays the next script cue. Or, "Go n" where n is the number of the script cue to be executed. "On" messages are MIDI "Note On"'s with a positive velocity. "Off" messages are MIDI "Note On"'s with a 0 velocity. LXScriptPlayer can also listen for changes in the DMX value of an address. A list of levels and their associated script cues is found in the DMX tab of the drawer. LXScriptPlayer listens for a level to change "To" or "From" a particular value. The possible actions are "Go" or "Go n" where n is the script cue number. DMX requires an ENTTEC DMX USB PRO interface. LXScriptPlayer 0.9.3 is available for download. |