LX|Open Source

LXSeries software includes open source code for a number of projects.

Claude Heintz Design has selected GitHib as the primary means of making source code available. However, this is in transition and some software is currently available through links on this site.

All LXSeries open source software is licensed under a BSD style license.


Application that receives Art-Net/sACN and send it to a usb device. Source on GitHub LXNet2DMX.


Library for ESP8266 implements Art-Net and sACN with example DMX input/output to/from network.


Library for Arduino with Ethernet Shield implements Art-Net and sACN with example DMX output using USART serial.


Library of lighting related network interfaces and utility interface elements for Processing.


DMX input/output driver for Arduino/AVR microcontrollers.


LXSAMD21DMX is a driver for sending or receiving DMX using a AVR SAM D-21 microcontroller


DMX Driver for ESP8266 using ArduinoIDE


LXTeensyDMX is a driver for sending or receiving DMX using a Teensy 3.2.


Setup to use Teensy as a serial bridge so Adafruit Huzzah can be programmed with Arduino IDE and OS X 10.11.