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LXConsole Preferences -> General

LXConsole normally checks to see if an update is available when it starts up. If you don't want to perform this check, you can manually check to see if there is a newer version available using the Check for Updates command in the Help menu.

Reopen last file when LXConsole starts automatically reopens the last file that was the front window when you were using LXConsole the last time.

Remember External Connections saves the status of connections in the External menu when LXConsole quits and restores them the next time LXConsole is launched.

Restore Live Output will set live cue and submaster levels to what they were when a file was last saved. Levels are only restored for the first file that is opened. (Or, at other times when a file is opened after no files were open.) This option is designed to give you the ability to close and open single files without going to black after a new file is opened.

The popup button at the bottom of the General tab contains a number of useful functions for backing up and restoring the settings found in the Preferences. The Restore Settings from Backup option will restore the current settings to those saved when the backup file was created. The Create Backup Settings creates a copy of the current preference settings in a backup file. Restore Default Settings will reset settings with default values to their original state.

Snapshots Folder... checks to see if there is a folder named "LXConsoleSnapshots" in the user's "Documents" folder. If the folder exists, every time a cue file is saved, a time-stamped copy is placed there. When Snapshots Folder... is selected and the folder is present, it will open in the Finder. If "LXConsoleSnapshots" does not exist, LXConsole will offer to create a folder for you.

The Open User Library Folder option is an easy way of navigating to the folder where the user library files for LXSeries applications are stored.