
Questions and issues concerning LXBeams
Posts: 13
Joined: Thu Nov 18, 2021 9:25 am


Postby lanternz » Sat Feb 05, 2022 11:04 pm

Here is a weird issue. A drawing with several tabs, on the file title at the top it shows 'edited'. I am unable to select any other tab until I have saved the file and then all is well and I can select any other tab. There are two drawings I have open on which this issue occurs, however on a third drawing this does not occur - the file can have 'edited' and I can still switch tabs. If the two affected drawings were based on similar templates or older files I might understand but they are both drawn from scratch. I have autosave selected to save every 5 minutes but it does not seem to do that.
When I look in the messages window there are a few instances of saves of the Girls and Boys plot but that is one of the drawings that is having issues.
In addition there are some strange things in this window including a very long string of 'Warning: duplicate color replaced" and an ascending color number that goes right through the complete Lee color range!

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Re: Tabs

Postby admin » Sun Feb 06, 2022 2:55 pm

You cannot switch tabs while the plot is being autosaved. This is puzzling because if you have autosave off in the system preferences (General/"Ask to keep changes when closing documents") then you wouldn't be blocked from changing tabs while the plot is being saved. To make this explicit, LXBeams preferences now disables the autosave setting when it is shut off at the system level (Latest build 18105.1).

Autosave will only run when there are changes (the document is marked as edited) and the time has elapsed. You will not see the red dot change on MacOS 12 when there are unsaved changes and autosave is enabled. If you have checked "Ask to keep changes when closing documents" in the System Preferences' General tab, then you will see the red dot change when there are changes that need to be saved. In that latter case, autosave is off at the system level and LXBeams will not autosave regardless of the time set in its preferences.

The messages you see about duplicate colors mean that there is a file in your Library/Application Support/com.claudeheintzdesign.lxseries/colors folder that contains colors with the same names as colors that are in the library that is built into LXBeams itself. The colors in your library are used instead of the standard colors. The messages are simply letting you know this is happening.

Posts: 13
Joined: Thu Nov 18, 2021 9:25 am

Re: Tabs

Postby lanternz » Sun Feb 06, 2022 10:22 pm

That seems to have fixed things though I am still not sure that autosave is working as it should. I do not have and did not have the 'Ask to keep changes ..' box checked in the system. I set autosave to 30 seconds and still the 'edited' indicator is showing beside the file name on the title bar of the plot. And there is no indication in the messages window that the file has been saved, although I see that all the Lee colors have been replaced again. The function does seem to work however - just tried adding an instrument, closing the window without saving and then re-opening and the added instrument was there, so maybe it is just the 'edited' indication that is not clearing?