LXFree for Java renamed LXPlan

Questions and issues concerning LXPlan (formerly LXFree for Java)
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LXFree for Java renamed LXPlan

Postby admin » Sat Aug 28, 2021 4:46 pm

To better distinguish between LXFree which is a MacOS application and LXFree for Java, the latter has been renamed LXPlan. The software is the same, only the name has changed. The version number will continue in the same series as LXFree for Java. The last version of LXFree for Java was 2.7, the first version of LXPlan is 2.8. LXFree for Java will no longer get notifications of updates. Only LXPlan will notify from within the app when a new version is released.

LXSeries Pro licenses will work with LXPlan. You shouldn't need to do anything.

The user files on Windows were stored in the %APPDATA%\LXSeries4Windows\LXFreeForJava folder. LXPlan uses a similar folder, %APPDATA%\LXSeries4Windows\LXPlan. If this folder does not exist, it will look for and use the LXFree for Java folder. If neither folder exists, it will create an LXPlan folder to store your settings. You do not have to uninstall LXFree for Java to install LXPlan. But, you may wish to duplicate your user files and rename the duplicate %APPDATA%\LXSeries4Windows\LXPlan to keep your LXFree for Java and LXPlan settings and libraries separate. And, you will need to decide which application, LXPlan or LXFree for Java you want to use when you double-click a plot file.

On Linux, the user files for both LXPlan and LXFree for Java are stored in the ~/.lxseries4linux folder and will be shared between the applications if you have both installed.