LX console and Chauvet DMX AN2 (artnet)

Questions and issues concerning LXConsole (MacOS)
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LX console and Chauvet DMX AN2 (artnet)

Postby dav_MHz » Sun Feb 20, 2022 12:44 am

I've just bought a Chauvet DMX AN2,
2 universe ARTnet box i'm planning to use with LX console.
Will report on my progress here.

anyone knows whether it should work or not and if you have any pointers on how to optimise the process?
I'm on a mac OSX 10.11 (ElCap)



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Re: LX console and Chauvet DMX AN2 (artnet)

Postby admin » Mon Feb 21, 2022 2:52 pm

The hardest part of getting LXConsole to work with your Art-Net device is probably getting the network addresses setup correctly. In order for devices to communicate, they need to be on the same network. This is more complicated than plugging them in. IP addresses have four numbers: AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD. Depending on the class of network, one or more of these numbers represent the network and the remainder represent the individual device. Art-Net typically uses class A addresses. This means that only the first number represents the network and the remaining three numbers belong to devices. More specifically, Art-Net uses one of two class A networks, 10.bbb.ccc.ddd or 2.bbb.ccc.ddd. Depending on how your router, computer and Art-Net interface are configured, addresses may be assigned automatically (DHCP) or manually (static). You'll need to find out how your interface gets its address and ideally what that address is. If you are in luck, your router will give out addresses in the 10 class A network. And your device will either get its address from the router (DHCP) or be manually set to a 10.xxx.yyy.zzz address. You'll need to check the Network settings on your Mac to be sure that it also has a 10.aaa.bbb.ccc address. If so, your computer will be able to communicate with your interface.

In LXConsole, there are two steps to enabling Art-Net. First, visit the Preferences' DMX-Out tab and enable Art-Net as an output. Next, choose File->External->Ethernet DMX to enable the network output. (This last setting has n available toolbar button for easier access).

LXConsole should discover your interface through Art-Net's polling mechanism. You can chose File->External->Art-Net Nodes... to bring you a window with the list of detected Art-Net devices.

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Re: LX console and Chauvet DMX AN2 (artnet)

Postby dav_MHz » Mon Feb 21, 2022 10:48 pm

Hi Claude,

my first post on the new forum,
Thanks so much for chiming in so quickly with great advice.

in my case, the setup was super easy and pretty much worked straight away.

my mac is plugged straight into the node so didn't have to worry about router settings and whatnot
the Chauvet's setup worked straight away on the 2.bbb.ccc.ddd network and LXconsole detected it as soon as Artnet output was selected.

the trickiest bit to understand was that my second universe started from address 513 to 1024, and i needed to add those channels.
from that point, everything just fired up, and at first glance, works just as well as my trusted ENTTEC usb pro.

so i'm well happy -after 10 years of infuriating lighting crews in theatres all over the world because i use a laptop and a USB dongle instead of their expensive desks- that i'll be able to keep doing it over multi-universes with Artnet nodes and the same software i've been using all along.
Thanks again for a brilliant piece of coding.

one last question:
is there a lasy way to calculate my DMX channel numbers in multiple universes?
Channel 10 in Universe 2 is channel 522 for LXconsole... do i just need to get used to add 512 to every channel or is there another way to do this out there? (like DMXcalc app for osx)

So, thanks again and thumbs up for the Chauvet AN-2 after an hour of use.
about to go on tour with it and will report if anything dodgy happens.



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Re: LX console and Chauvet DMX AN2 (artnet)

Postby admin » Tue Feb 22, 2022 3:07 am

The current version of LXConsole always uses universe notation. If you type 522 into the patch table or channel setup window, it gets converted and displayed as 2.10. So, I'm wondering if you have an older version of LXConsole because of your desire to convert addresses.

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Re: LX console and Chauvet DMX AN2 (artnet)

Postby dav_MHz » Tue Feb 22, 2022 2:15 pm

Hi Claude,

you're totally right, i am using an old version 5.4
but believe it or not, the version i'm using for my gigs is the ancient 3.3.0!!
the reason for that is that i run LXconsole alongside Qlab (and a few other software) and i like it when my lighting program has the smallest possible footprint to maximise my screen estate on my MBP15.
Version 3.3 has the useful ability to undock and resize each panel so that i can just see the channels tab and the cue sheet
version 5.4 obviously has the new "transport" panel (go, stop..) that can't be re-sized or detached but the overall window can be squeezed in the width.
version 6 -that i just opened- doesn't seem to have the ability to squeeze in the width beyond a certain size (that's too wide for my use), so i can't use it in this particular show, unfortunately.

I don't suppose there is a way to change or customise the interface?
I don't expect so (though it would be great if it was possible) and i'm fine with using the old version as it does everything i need, but just in case...

also, great we can type in 522 and get u.10, but is there any way i could type directly u.10? i'm more likely to get to a venue and having to patch into their existing rig where i would be given the DMX512 number for fixtures in their own universes rather than the other way around.

no big deal though,
just amazed that you answered so quickly and that your amazing suite of programs are still free and supported and getting better after all these years.
(i also make all my touring plans on LXfree)

all the best


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Re: LX console and Chauvet DMX AN2 (artnet)

Postby admin » Sun Feb 27, 2022 7:45 pm

The latest build of LXConsole, Version 6.0.6 (16726.1), allows making the main window smaller when the Inspector is hidden. You can also hide the live playback controls. So, you are able to get a small window with just the channel display.