three requests

Questions and issues concerning LXConsole (MacOS)
Johan Söderberg
Posts: 17
Joined: Wed Feb 23, 2022 6:22 pm
Location: Malmö, Sweden

three requests

Postby Johan Söderberg » Sat Oct 28, 2023 12:09 pm

On my wishlist nr 1 is:
- in the "track sheet" it would be nice if one could switch to view cues, subs or groups.
and second:
- in the list of effects - I'd like to be able to group effects in folders and/or make the FXlist-window expandable so that I can resize it and see more than 12 effects without scrolling
and number 3:
- the window for scene mode. It would be nice if it optionally could be made a free floating window so that one could have it simultaneously with the main window and all its tabs still available.

Site Admin
Posts: 240
Joined: Mon Nov 20, 2017 4:31 pm

Re: three requests

Postby admin » Fri Nov 03, 2023 4:40 pm

LXConsole Version 6.5.2 (18801.1) is available as a latest build. The tracksheet can display Groups and Subs in addition to cues. Strictly speaking, the display of groups and subs does not make sense in a tracksheet because these are discrete presets and channels do not "track" from the previous group/sub or into the next group/sub the way they tend to do with cues. However, because it may be useful to see groups or subs displayed in a grid of channels format, this change was added.

In 6.5.2, the effects window can be resized.

Scenes mode is designed to replace the channel display, hiding the command line and inspector and limiting access to playing back individual cues with the use of the buttons. Essentially is is envisioned as a "simple" mode that is intended for playback and not editing.

Both the cue list in the inspector and the cue sheet allow playback of cues out of sequence. In the settings (preferences) window, the interface tab will allow a double-click in either the cue list or the cue sheet to initiate playback of the cue that has been selected. Even if the double-click setting is not set to "Go to cue", the same action can be initiated by holding down the control key while double-clicking in one of these tables.

It is also entirely possible to build a separate control surface using any one of multiple OSC applications. This is a more flexible solution that could achieve the functionality of having scene buttons open in a separate window while not hiding the main display and editing controls. In fact, you could have a much more elaborate customized interface, not limited to only cue playback but having other controls as well, through an external app and OSC.