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by xldaedalus
Sun Jul 24, 2022 4:56 pm
Forum: LXSeries Open Source
Topic: DIRECTION_PIN not resetting after RDM response
Replies: 11
Views: 12975

Re: DIRECTION_PIN not resetting after RDM response

Here is the RDMDeviceTest.ino I've written /*! @file RDMDeviceTest.ino @author Claude Heintz @license BSD (see LXSAMD21DMX LICENSE) @copyright 2017-2021 by Claude Heintz Example showing LXSAMD21DMX RDM support for devices. Control brightness of LED on GPIO14 with DMX address 1 (settable via RDM) @se...
by xldaedalus
Wed Jul 20, 2022 6:01 am
Forum: LXSeries Open Source
Topic: DIRECTION_PIN not resetting after RDM response
Replies: 11
Views: 12975

Re: DIRECTION_PIN not resetting after RDM response

Investigating further, I put a debug pin toggle in this interrupt void LXSAMD21DMX::byteReceived(uint8_t c) { It captured 24 bytes - I counted with pin toggles HIGH->LOW for each interrupt on the Oscope. 48uS between rising edges, each toggle 2us, except the last, which was 8us That corresponds to t...
by xldaedalus
Tue Jul 19, 2022 6:07 am
Forum: LXSeries Open Source
Topic: DIRECTION_PIN not resetting after RDM response
Replies: 11
Views: 12975

Re: DIRECTION_PIN not resetting after RDM response

Correction. The above tests were made with the code change you suggested. Of course, I may have typed it wrong. DMX_SERCOM->USART.INTENSET.reg = SERCOM_USART_INTENSET_TXC | SERCOM_USART_INTENSET_ERROR | SERCOM_USART_INTENSET_DRE; and, as above, the pin did not toggle. I change the code back to your ...
by xldaedalus
Tue Jul 19, 2022 5:40 am
Forum: LXSeries Open Source
Topic: DIRECTION_PIN not resetting after RDM response
Replies: 11
Views: 12975

Re: DIRECTION_PIN not resetting after RDM response

FYI I set up debug pin toggles as you suggested in at the WAIT loop at the end of LXSAMD21DMX::sendRawRDMPacket( uint8_t len ) There was no pulse. I checked the pulse code elsewhere and it works on the oscope. But I see the RDMDeviceTest packet being sent. There is a notation in the definition of th...
by xldaedalus
Tue Jul 19, 2022 12:43 am
Forum: LXSeries Open Source
Topic: DIRECTION_PIN not resetting after RDM response
Replies: 11
Views: 12975

Re: DIRECTION_PIN not resetting after RDM response

I tried your suggested code change. It doesn't seem to make a difference. And the PlatformIO does compile but nothing works at all. And I think its because it is still listing as errors the two Callback functions. I don't know enough yet to be able to fix it. I tried declaring them in LXSAMD21DMX.h ...
by xldaedalus
Mon Jul 18, 2022 10:58 pm
Forum: LXSeries Open Source
Topic: DIRECTION_PIN not resetting after RDM response
Replies: 11
Views: 12975

Re: DIRECTION_PIN not resetting after RDM response

Thank you very much. I like the PlatformIO IDE better than the Arduino IDE because its easier to explore the underlying code, easier to find where things are defined. I can go back and forth between IDEs when I get to developing my own library of RDM responses. I I'm sure there are other differences...
by xldaedalus
Sun Jul 17, 2022 11:31 pm
Forum: LXSeries Open Source
Topic: DIRECTION_PIN not resetting after RDM response
Replies: 11
Views: 12975

Re: DIRECTION_PIN not resetting after RDM response

I'm using an oscilloscope and double checking with a logic probe, in case DIRECTION_PIN sets low several seconds after the transmit, and the oscope isn't catching it returning to LOW. In this part of the code if ( pid == RDM_DISC_MUTE ) { if ( destination == SAMD21DMX.THIS_DEVICE_ID ) { // discovery...
by xldaedalus
Sun Jul 17, 2022 12:17 am
Forum: LXSeries Open Source
Topic: DIRECTION_PIN not resetting after RDM response
Replies: 11
Views: 12975

DIRECTION_PIN not resetting after RDM response

As mentioned, something about the RDM packet is not being recognized by the DMXit. The bigger problem is, the DIRECTION_PIN is not resetting to LOW, so that the SAMD21 can't "listen" to further data. I can see that you have a transmissionComplete() function where in ... } else if ( _dmx_se...
by xldaedalus
Sat Jul 16, 2022 7:39 pm
Forum: LXSeries Open Source
Topic: LXSAMD21DMX library for SAMD21
Replies: 12
Views: 8991

Re: LXSAMD21DMX library for SAMD21

I commented out the sequence that mutes the discovery CMD after receiving. if ( pid == RDM_DISC_MUTE ) { if ( destination == SAMD21DMX.THIS_DEVICE_ID ) { //discovery_enabled = 0; <------------------------------ commented out the following lines. // send ACK // UID source; //source.setBytes(&rdmd...
by xldaedalus
Fri Jul 15, 2022 10:09 pm
Forum: LXSeries Open Source
Topic: LXSAMD21DMX library for SAMD21
Replies: 12
Views: 8991

Re: LXSAMD21DMX library for SAMD21

DIRECTION_PIN is set LOW on start up. After receiving the DISCOVERY CMD, it sets HIGH and stays that way. Obviously, it can't "receive" it the RS485 transceiver is in transmit mode. How/where do I look to see that: 1.) the data response packet was sent/finished sending. 2.) that the DIRECT...